Grocery Items I Always Have on Hand

One of my number one questions I get is, “what are some items you always have on hand?” this is a great question! So, I figured I would compile a short list of items I keep in my home, pretty much at all times. I would like to add that if we do happen run out of one of these, I’m not scrambling to get more the very next day. I used to be that person (heh…) but I’ve learned over time especially with our tight budget, it’s just not tangible to be constantly restocking these things. We can go one or two days without orange juice, even if it does reaaaaally hit the spot for breakfast!

Something else to consider is stocking up on these items when they are on sale. Every time I shop, I pick up one extra pound of beef and toss it in my freezer. That way I’m slowly accumulating a stash, while not breaking the bank or going over budget. However, if I notice meat is on sale, I’ll grab maybe three or four extra pounds since obviously that will save quite a bit of money in the long run. Just things to think about!

So! Without further ado—here are some of our “must have” grocery items!

Bone Broth

I’m sure if you’ve been following my instagram for any length of time, you know that bone broth is consumed almost daily in our house! I used to try sipping on it plain and bleck… I can tell you it was not for me! The good news though, is that we have a plethora of options! We can cook our rice in it, we can add it to a soup, or our personal favorite, we can make the bone broth hot chocolate, the possibilities are truly endless when it comes to fitting this into your routine. Utilizing these super easy alternatives have been game changing for our family!

Grass Fed Cheese

Cheese is just one of those things that I never get tired of! I eat it every day, and it’s always a snack I look forward too! You can add it to your morning eggs, you can eat it plain, you can incorporate into pretty much any meal. So versatile and full of nutrients! Also a great source of fat & protein.

Raw Milk

It’s important to clarify that while I try to always have raw milk in our home, we can’t afford to restock it more than once a week. So I use a mix of both quality pasteurized milk, and raw. Milk is genuinely the perfect food, so having it in our home at all times is essential for us. Anytime you’re consuming something that may not be very balanced, have some milk on the side and you are set to go! A great source of essential vitamins, minerals, sugars, fat and protein! Got milk? HAHA. Sorry I had too! ;)

Local Sourdough

Now this one is certainly not necessary for everybody. Well, none of these are, because each family is different, and bio-individuality is important to consider. HOWEVER—sourdough is definitely a “guilty pleasure” of mine. I’m an avocado toast with a runny egg for breakfast kind of gal, and if I don’t have my sourdough, well it just isn’t a good start to the day. I also like to have incorporate it into my afternoon snack because it’s very satiating. Again, this is solely for my own sake. I just loooove bread and local sourdough is the best you can get!

Raw Honey

Another incredibly versatile food. I add it to yogurt, tea, coffee. It’s also great for allergies and other illnesses! A must have for sure!

Ground Beef

I would like to add here that if you can stomach organ meats, this would be ideal. However I’m just really not there yet, so I consume desiccated organ capsules—but ground beef is another thing we just tend to consume a lot of. It’s tasty, we can make it so many different ways, and it’s very nutrient dense! I’ll also preface this by encouraging gelatin consumption when consuming any sort of muscle meat! It helps balance the amino acid profile. Not critical, but something to keep in mind. :)

Grass Fed Butter

Mmmmm, butter… need I say more?


My FAVORITE food of all time! Egg yolk coffee, runny yolks for breakfast, I could go on and on! I love, love, loooove eggs and am truly devastated if we run out before the end of the week. An excellent source of fat soluble vitamins as well!

Orange Juice

A tasty, wonderful source of whole food Vitamin C. What we use for our adrenal cocktails most of the time as well!


This is something else I love to have on hand because again, you can add it to anything (have you caught onto the theme yet? Hah!). I add it to coffee, adrenal cocktails, you can sprinkle it in soups or stews. It’s not a complete protein so it’s important to make it an addition to your meals, but it is a great source of amino acids!

aaaaand that’s a wrap, folks! I hope this post was helpful! Like I mentioned earlier, my list may not look the same as your list, because we are different human beings who will thrive on different ratios of macros, BUT, these are what work best for our family and I’m so eager to share this list with all of you! What are some of your must have items? Feel free to share in the comments!

Sincerely, Mir


My Egg Yolk Coffee Recipe & All It's Benefits